Why I Left My Career and How Fear Almost Got in the Way

One year ago I officially left my job.
I remember the fear. I was filled with so much anxious energy, but knew in my heart it was time. It was time to take control of what I wanted. Things weren’t going to change unless I did and I knew it was time to do something.
The fear lingered for a year prior to me actually taking action. I knew I wanted to leave, but fear paralyzed me. I had spent years working to establish myself in my profession as an educator and was scared of what my peers would think of me. I was worried that they would deem me to have been “unhappy” in my job. Sure, it was stressful at times, and the work load was heavier than ever, but nothing compared to the relationships I was able to build with my students and their families. I treasured working with children and the camaraderie with my teacher friends.  It was truly a gratifying and fulfilling career.
But it was everything in between that had me tired. I would wake up at 5am to squeeze a brief workout in to then rush to work. I would get all the things ready before my young learners would arrive. The day would press on and my afternoons would be filled with meetings. My nights consisted of grading papers while my students’ lives consumed my mind. By 8pm, I was exhausted with barely enough energy left for my husband, family, and friends. For a job that I liked so much, I was completely drained.
This was not the life I had envisioned for myself. I craved more for myself. At the time I just didn’t know what else could make me happier than working with kids. That is, not until I discovered life coaching.  
I finally felt a call to do something that was greater than the call I felt to teach. 
This was the motivation I needed to take action and create change. And so I did. That year, I started the process of becoming a Certified Professional Life Coach. Suddenly, other doors started opening too. My administrators offered me an opportunity to work in an instructional coaching role in my school district. This change coupled with the incredible tools I was learning throughout my life coach training empowered me to see new ways that I could serve people. Through sharing in the growth and change of my own clients, I started to believe in the coaching process. I started to believe in my coaching process. This gave me a newfound self-confidence that I did not have before that I was enough. I am enough.
So I leaped. I decided it was time to leave a job I liked for a job I loved.
A vast majority of my colleagues gave me nothing but support, encouragement and love. They knew that I was following a passion and respected that deeply. However, some of my peers shared their own fears and skepticism that my choice stirred up for them. How could I give up my teacher tenure (job security), pension (financial security), and health benefits (health security)? My take on it? Nothing is secure. Absolutely nothing in this life is secure.

All the stability I need is already right inside of me. I create that for me. Realizing this gave me the faith in myself to leap and choose freedom. 
Freedom to wake up when my body says so.
Freedom to create my own schedule.
Freedom to take as many personal days as I need.
Freedom to work with people the way I want. 
Freedom because I already have stability.