Let’s grow your passion work from the inside out
by taking care of you first.


Hello love, I’m Jen Wille.
I’m a Certified Professional Life Coach.
For What you want in life to thrive,
you have to thrive.

That's the part where I come in...


First + Foremost  | THE Podcast

Feeling our absolute best starts when we commit to taking care of ourselves first. Each episode, we talk all things self-care, from solo sit downs with just you and me, to candid real life chats with special guests who are out there living their passion work. Together, we uncover the daily habits and routines that lead to peaceful daily rhythms, so that you, too, can implement them right away.



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I loved working with Jen. Not only did she help me unearth my true desires for work and life rhythms, I left every conversation feeling understood, refreshed, and focused. If you're needing a gentle nudge, a friend, and some accountability all rolled into one, Jen is your gal. She'll help you find your true north and flesh out how to ease that into your actual day-to-day.

- Rachel Jacobson

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