My Top 3 Methods for Creating a Compelling Vision

I am all about setting New Year's Resolutions and creating a word of the year.

However, there is by far, one absolute must do when it comes to kicking off the new year…
And that, my friend, is creating a compelling vision.

I must admit, at first when I created a vision years ago, I was a skeptic. But when I went back to revisit my 5-year vision just a handful of years later, I was BLOWN AWAY at just how much I had manifested in real-time in my day to day life.

That dream kitchen I thought would never ever be my reality? It's mine. Now. At 34 years old.

A waitlist filled with clients ready to team up and work with me? A constant in my business now- and one that I am eternally grateful for.

Running programs in my business that help people feel and live their very best lives? Yup. In fact, I currently run TWO annual programs that do just this!

I do not in any way share this with you to brag. (In fact, I notice that part of me right now that is hesitant to publish this post for the fear of anyone out there thinking that of me in any way. But I am pushing past that fear, friends, because I know YOU are here because we align in some way and that you will see my greater intention for sharing.)

I share this with you to inspire you to dream your big dreams, and to not fear them. Sometimes we can be so afraid of what we really, really want. (This of course calls for a lovely 90's throwback. I miss this song!). Sometimes what we want makes us uncomfortable. And other times, when we think about what we might really want, we begin to feel sad about our present reality.

But there’s thing about creating a compelling vision:

A vision moves you to action.

A vision creates energy, love, and excitement around your present reality (if of course, you let it) and it empowers you to get out there and align your daily actions towards what you are wanting.

Maybe you are a skeptic like I was. Either way, today I want to share with you some of my favorite ways to create a vision. I hope you’ll take a few moments out of your day this month to put your vision together. The idea is to hang it up somewhere where you can see it and let it serve as a powerful reminder of the life you are wanting to create for yourself.

Here are my top 3 methods for creating a compelling vision:

  1. Create a vision board.

    I love this classic take on creating a vision so much because it is probably the most widely used way to do it! A quick search on google will likely bring up several visuals to inspire you.

    Here’s how to do it: Grab a sheet of paper or poster board and a bunch of magazines. Cut out words and images that inspire you when you think about what you want in your life this next year. Do not think twice about it. Just cut them out, and put them in a pile. Then arrange the words and images on the paper. Glue them down, and there you have it! Your vision board is complete. Take a moment to look at your board and see what comes up for you as you read it. What goals emerge? What unfinished business do you have that you are excited to do?

  2. Create a vision box.

    A vision box is very similar to a vision board, but the main difference is that you are doing the exact same activity as above, just on a box instead of a piece of paper or poster board. I love to place the box somewhere where I will see it often after I am finished, like on my desk or in my bedroom. You may want to fill the box with inspiring notes or messages to help you create motivation when you need it most!

  3. Create a vision journal.

    A vision journal is a fun twist on a vision board in that you are covering the front page of a journal with images and words that inspire you. I have had some clients who have chosen to use their entire journal as a vision exercise. So each journal entry is filled with words and images that might inspire you. Whether it is just the front cover or the entire journal, this is sure a creative twist on creating a vision!

There you have it! These are my tried and true methods for creating a compelling vision. I hope you will take some time out for you this month to create a vision of your own. And, if you are part of my First + Foremost community (if you’re not, what are you waiting for, boo!?) I encourage you to send me a pic of yours! I would love to see what you have created and plan to manifest!

5 Steps to Get After Your Biggest Goals

I cannot even believe we are here in the final quarter of 2018. I love to take a moment around this time of year to check in and assess where I am at with my big picture things. Speaking of, are you feeling clear on your own big picture things? Do you feel a sense of direction with where you’re going and what you’re working towards? If not, no sweat, I got you friend!

Let’s first start by letting this statement ring so deeply true:

Clarity is what creates drive. 

Motivation stems from that place of knowing where we want to be. It is critical to constantly be coming back around to creating clarity within ourselves. We do this by opening ourselves up to exploring what is there within us. What is waiting to come out? What do we really, really want for ourselves? If everything were easy, what would we be doing? 

Once we find some of the answers we are wanting, it is important to remember that our game plan or vision is never ever stagnant. We are constantly changing and ebbing and flowing and therefore it is so important to see our vision in that same lens. For this reason, I set aside time in my schedule to revisit where I am at and write out any changes or updates to my vision and goals.

Want a sneak peek at my personal goal-setting process?

Here’s a snapshot at how to do it:

1.    Get crystal clear on your 4-5 big goals. 

And don't forget to make make them SMART.

2.    Determine one overriding goal.

Among your 4-5 goals, choose the one goal, that if you were to achieve it within the next 5-10 years, you would see and feel the most dramatic impact across other areas of your life. 

3.    Set annual, quarterly, and monthly goals.

Use your overriding goal to set annual, quarterly and monthly goals, and again, make them SMART!

4.    Revisit your goals! 

Set aside time in your calendar to check back in on your goals on a continual basis. Really, block that time off in your phone the moment you do this, otherwise it stays a wish and a want!

5.    Repeat every year!

I usually begin this process around December or January of every year to stay in sync with the calendar year, but you can start it out at any time! With it being August, we are officially in the third quarter of the year. Now I will revisit where I am at with my overriding goal and how I am doing with making movement and traction on the rest of my goals. Do I need to adjust any goals? What monthly goals can I set for the remainder of the year to bring me closer to reaching my overriding goal?

How about you? Do you set goals? Do you want to become a goal-getting machine? Do you have an overriding goal or vision that you feel crystal clear on? Are you intentional about the action needed to get there? 

If you need any support with this whatsoever, I am here. You can always reach out as goal setting is kinda my jam! Together we can figure out some simple next steps to get you closer to where you want to be. And if goal-setting (…and getting!) feels solid to you in this moment, then let’s celebrate that! That alone right there is a big win. 

An invitation to reflect + make 2018 your best year yet!

Every year, around this time, I love to reflect on the previous year: the highs, the lows, the wins, the lessons..all of it, to make space for what lays ahead and think about what I want to welcome in and attract in the upcoming year.

I invite you to join me in that process and make 2018 one of your best years yet! To help you get to it, I made two things just for you:

1. A Yearly Reflection Guide for you to print and write out your answers to some super powerful coaching questions that will help you reflect on 2017 like never before and really look ahead to 2018 as you explore what you really, really want!

2. The latest episode of First + Foremost | The Podcast brings you a behind the scenes look at how I myself am doing it. I share with you:

  • My biggest failure in 2017

  • What I'm letting go of (the thing that I have personally struggled with this past year)

  • My #1 focus for 2018

  • And more!

Be sure take some time out for you to reflect and really get intentional about what you want to bring forth into your life.  

Let's start reflecting, love!

What are you sitting back and wishing for?

For years, I told myself, some day I'm going to learn to knit. It stayed a thought until finally my best friend and I signed up for a class together. Having her there with me was the little nudge I needed to actually get out there and do it. 

You might have some grander things you want to try on your list. Maybe it's turning that passion project into a career or a trip to somewhere exotic? Or it might be simpler, like taking photography classes, starting a new exercise program, or changing your hair color! Whatever it is, notice the little things that you are wanting to try, and start there.

Start small and continue to build on that list. Gradually you will prove to yourself over and over that you CAN do the things you want. Yes, you!

Next up for me? Regular dance classes. It's been on my radar after attending a hip hop class in New York with one of my besties this past spring. Ever since I've been sitting back wanting something to pop up, wishing I will find a class in Chicago annnnd watching Yanis Marshall videos in the meantime (which if you have not yet seen one, take a quick 5-minute break and check him out-- he is pure JOY.)  

So... here's to NOT sitting backing and wishing anymore.  

It's time to dance ladies.